2018 Christmas Newsletter
Jameson (30): papa of two, double raise getter, online student, manager, Young Mens president, chocolate maker, 20 pounds of cocoa eater, work is crazy-er, alternate state delegate, ankle sprainer, AC almost fixer, 60lbs of peaches eater, 28 audio books/podcasts listener, come home for lunch every day-er
Jess (30): mama of two, potty trainer, sleep trainer, Etna lover, Little Britches reader, no sleep getter, house upgrader, regular freelancer, yoga-er-ish, side table maker, AC broken endurer, visit Beaver a lot-er, 60lbs of peaches picker, costume maker, brother’s keeper
Charlie (3): potty trainee, Etna visitor, sleep avoider, Little Britches listener, cheese eater, Sacrament Meeting singer, sweet nothings sayer, stubborn three-year-old, Jem’s toy stealer, Lego fanatic, play in the rain-er, sticker earn-er, nap quitter
Jem (0.997): Snorter, terrible sleeper, shots hater, sleep trainee, easy laugher, Etna visitor, mama’s boy, wide eyes, smiler, Charlie endurer, late crawler, early walker, everyone-thinks-I’m-a-girl-er, tooth grinder, snugglebug